Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jean Lafitte And Band Of Pirates


Volume 78 of the Colombian Literature Library Publishing Black Sheep, is titled Nostalgia Tropical Boom or Faust. Subtitle makes clear only to review the curricula vitae of the author, Joseph Stevenson. The rack is summarized here from Santa Marta in 1934 and some publications as, The Years of Suffocation (1969) his first novel published in Buenos Aires.

The story sounds at first something straight: the life of Simon Argote, how it became a legend Black, Latin Lover prototype having fun in Europe. Then we found the relationship with the literary tradition for Boom in Nostalgia is not free to subvert the fact the archetype of Don Juan and the Germanic legend of Faust: "(...) Then came the rumors of the black arts, that a satanic pact it was incredible attraction for women of all ages. "(p. 66)

However, this rogue has no compact with the devil. He himself is a poor devil, clever, amiable, sour, sweet, generous, adventurous ... even noctívago, seaman, also knew overcome the shipwreck in stormy culture de Occidente, donde un culto icónico a los mitos y anti-héroes modernos del cine, la televisión y la literatura resumen la masa humana entre la indiferencia y la ruindad. Por eso, cuando Gastón y Nicole, esos parisinos despóticos e ilustres, salieron de la Opera, ella le preguntó: “Vamos, Lover, tú qué opinas?”. Él escuchó y tras su silencio más la intervención de otros dijo:

“Yo no soy ningún intelectual, no conozco a Goethe, pero lo que sí le puedo asegurar es que Fausto me pareció medio apendejao.¿ Tú crees que si yo soy él, me dejo engatusar por un diablo tan guevón? No hombre! Ni de vainas. Acaso es que tú crees que I'm queer? The devil has been able to make its Pilatuña. I had never seen a devil without such malice ... "(p. 73)

In this sense, Milan Kundera, from the Art of the Novel, suggests that this genus is an investigation of what human life is also a denunciation of the trap in which the world has become. Perhaps this in Nostalgia Boom mention of the decline of modern culture, which is presented as a whirlwind of dirt. This is demonstrated by descriptions of a third person narrator, outside the atmosphere of neon bleeding, Night-Club, Champagne, Tuxedo rosette in his buttonhole, Jazz delusional, bikinis, boats, Roll-Royce, hascish with Nembutal opium coca ... ad infinitum. The colorful characters

show looks skeptical. Adhering to a false condition, Platonic love is demystified. This fall in the deep cynicism that is effective in the lie. French, American, Arab, Australian, German, Colombian ... In short, an entire fauna in the labyrinthine Babel bloody twilight of the West.

The history of the twentieth century was written and underlined in red and black ink and Nostalgia Boom, explosive onomatopoeia that means crossing several fields of war, internal and external to human beings. Also mentioned are the facts that shook the provincial prudery of Santa Fe de Bogotá on April 9, 1948 when he put candle to the Palace of Justice (which Simon Argote could have returned from Europe without legal trouble in Colombia ....)

However, Nostalgia Boom reader will find not only the adventures of a man-traveler, with the withdrawal of the sordid and artificial environments of big cities or the plasticity of human nature, but with a review of world of symbols and their effectiveness from the influence of the audiovisual landscape. A narrator recalls: "Every myth is nourished by word and image (p. 105)." And Simon Argote recognizes that:

"(...) In any case I realized growing the more my public image as the great lover, as the international playboy, the more I sink I like a man. Were the rules of the game. Certainly I was a hero. For all was a celebrity, the playboy of the Western World. But deep down I suspected that I was not a hero, but that was what had always been: a rogue. So rethinking the rules. This time I went to high heaven, the bearded, but the bottom, that gentleman orejón, laughter and left foot scrub, the horns, tail, and in the sea of \u200b\u200bsulfur, said, stay image and give me back my soul! Do not think that was easy, I always had to bargain. " (P. 105)
Maybe now the master's words Hector Rojas Herazo, Joseph Stevenson who dedicates his work:

- Failure to me is that it has lost faith in the devil. That's it. Neither society nor the man can achieve nothing, nothing at all, without your help. Needless, therefore, any occasion pragmatism. Look at what has been achieved by him, religions, art, status, technical servitude of the masses. In short, all pride operator is in its orbit. But we have forgotten and we must pay this oversight. Suffer from the nostalgia of the devil. We have lost the magic tools that were used to communicate with him and hold him to put our service in his creative power. " (Celia rot. Page 438 to 439.)

The previous comment about the current situation of the country can be read in a symbolic sense, as in the poem A Luis Carlos López Satan: "Satan, I ask you a simple and complicated soul / like yours. A happy soul in pain. / You enjoy, and I envy you your happy laughter, / If a tiger, for example, eat a Mockingbird. " However, some may fall into the literal reading of Nostalgia Boom, which is not only absurd but imaginative atrophy and fear of freedom: to conform to metaphysical cells.

BOOK FORM: Nostalgia Tropical Boom or Faust. Stevenson, Joseph. Editorial Oveja Negra. Colombian Literature Library. No. 78. P. 106.



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