From that East winner and scorer of the first round is short, almost nothing at the start of the second round of the tournament Aperutura, Adaptation, Founders of the League, etc, etc.
is not the same, so suffer and suffer. Suffers because it fails to recover the strength of the early season and their his hich suffer because they do not win and his leadership is seriously threatened.
It happened to The Strongest on Wednesday. Although they eventually lost in the first half had led to situations not only to open the scoring, but to secure the match. But suffered from the lack of scoring, the absence of a striker who is responsible for the final play and set. So, as more, got less, or rather, nothing.
To be the most effective team, which had plenty of goals and alternatives to make today is one of the most ineffective, with just three goals in the last four matches, in which also scored only two of the twelve points. East
feels, among others, the slump and the absence of Mauricio Saucedo, the scorer of the team, which in the first round scored eleven goals, almost half of those converted by the table albiverde. Without the wheel turned-striker on the pitch, it shows a lack of defining the refiner have learned throughout its history, as Tucho Antelo, Castillo, Baldessari, Estanislao Franco, only to name a few.
will also notice some cracks in the defense that was not previously noticed, perhaps because the makeup thrashings all, or wins, obtained with actions that encouraged us to praise, diverted attention.
So the Tigre of Achumani a blow was enough to wipe out their prey. Made the goal and then endured with enthusiasm, with little game but with much ... egg.
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