Sunday, May 2, 2010

Budowa Klatki Burunduk



The International Workers Day, May Day is the feast of the World Labor Movement.

Since its establishment in all countries by agreement of the Socialist Workers' Congress in Paris in 1889 is a day of celebration Combative and a tribute to the Martyrs of Chicago, which in retaliation for the dignified struggle to achieve a fair day work, were silenced by the capitalist system, the oppressor of their rights. This date is remembered by all the comrades aquellxs we live from employment, and that regardless of our role within the community are conscious of not being a commodity represented in our workforce and therefore, those who fight for a dignified and just world, which is drawn the colors of the revolution.

In Colombia as in most countries of the world's party calls for the union workers to protest workers to claim their rights. This party has tended to be overshadowed by the various state policies that serve the interests of employers who do not agree with the 8-hour workday, and therefore searched for mechanisms "legal" to working hours is even longer and more productive in that regard for their interests.

These policies are reflected Law 100, in which the payment of overtime start until after ten (10) of the night, and the worker is forced to go to a worker cooperative (CTA) and thus avoid paying (by the employer) of the contributions to health, pensions and cesantías.El country needs an urgent labor reform, because that is in effect denies the right to decent work and decent.

This reform should be substantive, and also has to recognize the rights instituted universal.Así level view of things, the international day the worker is a legacy that should not disappear, it is a day that we met, students, teachers, peasants, indigenous people and workers, to make this party, a worthy fight, to prove that rebellion, joy and organization are essential to achieve the necessary insurrection nosotrxs.Por all LA all this and what does not fit on this piece of paper, we want to join us in this worthy rabies, which not only converges at this time, it becomes a struggle , 24 hours the rest of our lives.

If we break the banks is because we recognized the money

As central cause of all our misfortunes.

If we break the windows is not because life is expensive but because

Merchandise prevents us from living at any cost.

If we break the machines is not because we want to defend jobs

Sino attack slavery.

If we attack the fucking police are not out to make

neighborhoods but to make it out of our lives.

The show wanted to see us fearful,

We know that we are worse.




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