"You have to sentence him as well. The ceasefire agreement and National Dialogue "hope and possibility for change National Accord, were betrayed, and those responsible deserve a single sentence: to be banished from the government so that a new will, the other national, patriotic and democratic - assume the task possible, here and now, to make peace "
Luis Otero Andrés Almarales
Twenty years have passed since that moment when courageous fighters vegan Company Iván Marino Ospina gave their lives and sealed with their blood "Operation Antonio Nariño for the Rights of Man." Heroically took the building in the poor Colombian democracy embodied the court power to make a claim attack: a public trial and popular Belisario Betancur, a representative of the oligarchy and defender of the interests of big capital and popular public trial who breached the ceasefire agreements and National Dialogue concluded with the April 19 Movement in August 1984, and even demanding the government's failure of agreements with other sectors of the insurgency as the EPL and the ADO.
Twenty-five years of that time a popular demand the exercise of a truly radical democracy was attacked by a reactionary regime with gas and fire, with total disregard for life, not just vegan fighters, but of all the comrades aquellxs who remained in the palace. The media was a tool to hide the true latent country: lack of commitment of the Colombian oligarchy to building peace, lack of commitment to solving the structural problems at the time, like today, afflicting a society largely subjected to hunger and exclusion.
"The blind and brutal decision Belisario Betancur and the response of the armed forces, supported by the political class the oligarchy and the owners of the mainstream press, it was not attack on our column of 42 soldiers, but an operation of mass destruction, scorched earth, total holocaust and widespread. The tanks, the indiscriminate use of rockets, grenades, gas, and arson were the only alternative to the various solutions. There was no attempt to negotiate, nor was it heard the order to cease-fire the president of the Supreme Court. Fire suppression scorched-earth assaults were the single answer to the oligarchic regime "Alvaro Fayad Delgado
Mountains Cauca, November 1985
The new generations of fighters of the Movement April 19 we are now in action and words to remind aquellxs who gave their lives in the struggle for democracy. Today as before from all corners of the country are raised fist fights thousand accusers, Andres, Alfonso, William, Patricia, of Lazarus, Ariel, José Domingos, Cesar, Claudio, .. again we raise the flags and fists by radical democracy, the real life of dignity and freedom.
commanders and fighters of the company Ivan Marino Ospina, that his example will make the word forge an echo in the combative spirit of those who fought and struggle for life and against death, and that action resets the heartbeat of a people rebel. We will continue resisting and fighting, that the M-19 is the promise will be fulfilled!
SOUTH Kolektiva
Resistance is Existence!
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