Wednesday, July 28, 2010

John Deere Floor Mats

Dublinesca trial: reflections on a review

When I received the package from Amazon with Dublinesca of Enrique Vila-Matas, I felt an aura of excitement. It was the last book of an author who exceeds even the word favorite, a constant reference in my readings and author of one of my favorite books, Brief History of Portable Literature . The book grew in expectations due to reports from friends of mine who constantly told me it was a great novel. After I read it, and kept reading, and ultimately left me cold. Not that it was a bad novel, or misspelled, or anything like that. It's just a novel empty. After thinking about it I think there are several reasons for this. The scored then, somewhat disjointed, as a way to recover from the shock:

1. That style post-Borges metaliterary I think I gave him. When Vila-Matas wrote in the eighties and nineties, the stories of Shandi and bartlebíes had as sense to claim a place literature as an experience in Spain plunged into mourning post-Franco and the intricacies of the Movida. For this reason, Vila-Matas had a better reception in Latin America, where its refined style was a great antidote for the challenges of literature prosísiticos postdictatorial and excesses of the "Post-Boom." However, between then and now, it happened Roberto Bolaño, whose work pushed to the limits of his absurd this type of work. After Archimboldi and critics 2666, a man who claims to be "the last literary editor" and who goes in search of Joyce is emptied of meaning, since its parody has already happened.

2. Dublinesca has a basic problem: there is much talent, too canon and nothing to say. Certainly looks a Vila-Matas at its most refined, beautiful prose which do not need and will spare nothing. However, this prose is not at the service of anything worthwhile. As a literary entertainment, the referents of Vila-Matas are boring. Return to Tristram Shandy or Bartleby from the Hispanic tradition was a radical act, a claim of forms of literature that did not fit the canons of the time. Back to Joyce in 2010 is an anachronism, first because there is no canonical Hispanic writer without at least an evening Joycean vein (Only in Mexico come to mind Fernando del Paso and Joseph Augustine), and second because Joyce is so central to the literary modernism that eventually completed it is impossible, even for a titan like Vila-Matas, find some interesting reference or original in their ancestry. That would require twenty years of unjust but necessary forgetting that have not yet begun.

3. The Vila-Matas jump to Seix Barral accuses a problem reaching any writer of his spirit: he is too dedicated. For this reason, we find some things that appear in the worst Carlos Fuentes or in the worst Milan Kundera: The character is the alter ego of the author bum and / or friend (in this case seems to be the prodigal son of Jorge Herralde and Vila-Matas) and the accumulation of inside jokes with friends from high literary sphere. When I found the famous editor was responsible, for example, to edit a book by Claudio Magris which incidentally is not Anagram (Clarisse ring ) threw the book to the floor. That gesture makes only a writer or a young immature and inexcusable (the amateur who fills his fiction with friends) or a star ego. This is sad because the Vila-Matas is presented in public and international media is writing a clarity that does not need such gestures. Dublinesca is the book by an author a victim of its own success.

Despite what these three considerations seem to indicate, my admiration for Vila-Matas remains unrestricted and hope that his genius again to set in one of those books liberating and surprising as it has occurred in the past. This is not just a personal hope or targeting an individual. I worry that if someone like Vila-Matas is trapped in the labyrinth of metarreferencia, you can expect of literary writing in general. May continue, to suffer the bad clone swell Borges (as Goran Petrovic, Milorad Pavic, the worst Bolaño) following through high literature today. I hope not, for the sake of writing, reading and literature in general intelligence.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Amphetrim Manufacturers

Bolivar, your sword back into the fray - On the true independence

M-19 January 17, 1974

For 200 years later there is nothing to celebrate, because we are heirs of 200 years of struggle commoner, social, rural , student.

Because we take as our story, because we assume this as our responsibility because we have decided to join this party, because today we tod @ s fight. We leave the statement of the M-19 in recovering the Sword of Bolíivar. SOUTH Kolektiva

Communiqué M-19 on recovery of the sword of Bolivar


"No sword ever envainaré while the freedom of my people is not fully insured "Speech delivered on January 2, 1814 Simon Bolivar

And freedom is not assured. There. From Mexico to Tierra del Fuego, the workers, peasants, workers, students, women in the village, the Indian ...

We Latin Americans live in hunger. We struggle in poverty. We bled on injustice. We feel our culture castrated deformed vendida.Es the English chains broken by Bolivar, are now replaced by the dollar gringo.

And in the throne of Bolivar, every four years they have turned over the representatives of the oligarchies colombiano.Y killer of people is that these operators, they speak of a sovereign homeland while delivering the foreign master. They speak of a country fair when the wealth of a privileged few is kneaded in the anguish of the workers. Landless peasant. The hungry child and no school. The unemployed and destitute. Of women subjected. The beleaguered Indian like a beast. The unhappy prison. Student gagged.

So the struggle continues Bolívar, Bolívar muerto.Su sword has not broken the cobwebs of the museum and takes to the fighting of this. Passes into our hands, the hands of the people in arms. And now points against the exploiters of the people. Against domestic and foreign masters. Against them, they locked her up in museums, mold. Which distorted the idea delLibertador. Those who call us subversives, stateless persons, adventurers, bandits. And for them this reunion of Bolivar with his people is an outrage, a crime. And his sword for them liberation on our hands is a danger ... But Bolivar is not with them - the oppressors - but with the oppressed.

why his sword goes into our hands. In the hands of the people in arms. And coupled with the struggles of our people will not rest until the second independence, this time full and final ...

April 19 Movement January 17, 1974

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hmong Cheaters Movie Cover

share this poem written by Germain Rojas Niño, the commander "Raúl" M-19, who from Cali and recovered from various surgery is still fighting, thinking and feeling the fire and a carnival fair Colombia.


Don Emiliano Zapata

true brother

With his people fought hand

why Mexicans love him

why they want the Peoples
His white horse galloped

with the lifeless body of Don Emiliano

is embodied in the soul of the Mexican

so bad they have not found

someday return if necessary
and will do with Villa and Miguel Hidalgo

come with Marti
with Che Guevara and the Cuban people

With Turcius Lima
and Dominicans of Grenada

With Puerto Ricans and Colombians
With Ivan Delgado Fayad Marino

With Afranio Parra and Carlos Pizarro
with Luis Otero
and Augusto Lara

Bolivar and Bateman are waiting to ride

With all

The Bicentennial
In the great nation of Americans

German Rojas Child, "Raulito"
Santiago de Cali, July 5, 2010
Comandante Raul, keep fighting!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Building Blueprints For A Salon Buisness


published in Letras Libres an overview of the great books Sight, desert heart of Iris Garcia Cuevas and sludge in the Holy Land Albaro Sandoval. You can read here

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vascular System Of Lupus Patients


The mass media, especially those closest to the Establishment, pretend to be the flag in the filing of all those who daily dramas identify excluded and disadvantaged communities, in most cases, by the State. It would be a total lack unaware that behind this dynamic media hides some manipulation of information which allows, in the collective imagination, the absolution of responsibility for it state apparatus and the minimization of conflicts living.

When this happens, the truth is not transmitted. It begins to set a single voice "authorized" to give account to the largest Colombian tragedies that marked and still affecting them. And questions arise about this phenomenon, arising from the concern to learn about another discourse that could counterbalance and out at the same time, the voice of those who still do not.

is here where literary narrative positions, resulting in the direct approach of the testimony. As Lucia Ortiz puts it in testimonial narratives in Colombia. Alfredo Molano, Alfonso Salazar, Sandra Afanador, one of the most committed and caring work is encouraged in this genre is the loose association of fictionality to the various testimonies and stories of survivors and direct actors in a nation overwhelming situations.

This narrative experience is no stranger in our continent, let alone the country. Armed conflicts in Central America, for example, were now conducive for setting up this type of approach between reality and fiction. The cases reviewed by Ortiz in his article, described in the Colombian context, they reaffirmed that the central axis of the stories revolved around those phenomena socio - political importance: the internal dynamics of FARC-EP as its members, the takeover of the Palace of Justice, the massacres at the hands of paramilitaries. In the words of the author: "(...) the basic principle of this kind is to give expression to the issues that have affected those who have not had a voice in the modern world" (p. 342)

The nature of complaint, together the recreation of an intimate space where relatante-human being who blanket full name appearing with a fake, but linked to a real drama or reality-provides details unknown to the reader, combine, a recent, high-value proposal historical and aesthetic.

an inside gender allows us to present some key features that are taken into account. One of them refers to the "medium" who channels of experience. Obviously this paragraph refers to the writer of the day who should have special handling of the information to carry out such an undertaking. The specialist or expert in the proper technique, it may well be a journalist, as is the case of Jose Navia Confessions of a criminal - if talked sociologist Alfredo Molano in Trails and guns - or other interested professional mediator and committed to contribute to the truth.

Similarly, Ortiz gives some value and Foreword preponderance of texts to witnesses, and that "(...) the prefatory pages serve to clarify the process to design and establish your objective." (p. 345).

In specific terms, the stories analyzed by the author can find some reference marks that differ from the proposed testimony of radio and television media. Basically rely on the structure of each story, the constant complaints of the central characters, deep reflection of the fact lived, ideological bias swap in each proposal, and above all the originality that the (re) creator can print to a true story fictionalized.

Specifically, this document allows an approach to some local testimonial narrative experiences, highlighting the hard work done by the writer and the very basis of the story that somehow identifies us with our reality. Reality shows us that as time has continued to position itself and leads to other new aspects to consider: drug trafficking, paramilitaries, armed conflict, crime, kidnapping.

After seeing this media - art gravitate around the axis of testimony and the complaint remains to be determined, in light of the above by Ortiz, the narrative proposals to come. Fortunately, the literature relies upon to show solidarity towards those who have no voice and can say that despite not winning the lottery, in the words of Eduardo Galeano.

Prepared by: Juan Carrillo Aranzalez

Bibliographic reference.
ORTIZ, Lucia. Testimonial narrative in Colombia: Alfredo Molano, Alfonso Salazar, Sandra Afanador. In: Literature and Culture. Colombian narrative of the twentieth century. Volume II. Spread, changes, shifts. {Accessed June 15, 2010}. Available at: < >.